woensdag 25 december 2013

Our passage through India; The Diwali dilemma

Het is vandaag de laatste dag van Diwali, Indisch nieuwjaar. En dan valt zelfs hier, het leven stil. Voor even toch... en enkel in de voormiddag volgens de chauffeur. En dat is zelfs zo in de slums zo blijkt. Het is er tegen alle verwachtingen in eerder gezellig dan vuil. Mensen slenteren vrolijk en opgekleed door de smalle straten of zwaaien vanuit hun glimmende huisjes en wensen ons "Happy Diwali". Wanneer we uitgenodigd worden om "Black Berry" juice te drinken slaat het moreel dilemma ons rond het hart. Een ton gastvrijheid verpakt in een glas water uit de slums. Liever "misschien ziek" dan "zeker ondankbaar" delen we een fris, licht zoet drankje met de vrouw terwijl ze trots vertelt over haar zonen die op de Engelse school zitten.

Diwali zou worden afgesloten aan "The gateway of India". Dus wij, opgefrist en monter klaar om af te tellen naar het nieuwe jaar de taxi in. Het bleek een gezellige bijeenkomst waar we na een bezoek aan het Taj Mahal hotel een vrouw ontmoeten die ons bloemen aan de pols bindt. Een traditie op deze dag zo zou het. Erna komt, zoals enigszins verwacht dan toch de vraag om iets kleins. Maar daar zijn we sinds kort, met aalmoezen in de aanslag handig in geworden of dat dachten we. Met de glimlach weigert ze het geld en vraagt ze of we melk met haar willen gaan kopen voor de wolk van een baby die op haar schouder slaapt. De licht naïeve wereldredder in ons wordt wakker en zegt toe. Onderweg wordt de vermoedelijke scam geanalyseerd... eens daar bevestigd. In snel tempo wordt er ter waarde van zo'n vlotte 26 aalmoezen rijst en melkpoeder gekocht, verpakt in haar eigen milieuvriendelijke herbruikbare winkeltas, toevallig aldaar aanwezig. Maar liever in zo'n zak gezet dan wreed of gierig voorzien we het kleine Indiertje van spijs en drank voor de komende X dagen.

Doorspoelen met het dagelijks glazen boke in Le Pain Quotidient dan maar. Het wordt een van die betere gesprekken, hard, open en ontnuchterend. Over de (bedel) maffia en hun wurgende greep op de zovele zwakken in India. Maar gelukkig ook afgewisseld met van die quotes als, "al meer geld opgedaan aan melk als aan sigaretten dees vakantie". In het naar buiten gaan vraagt een bedelend kindje om eten... ze weet een winkel op de hoek.

donderdag 14 november 2013

Our passage through India; Contrast landing

Een transfer in Doha (Qatar) mag een kwelling zijn voor de Bourgondische medemens, na 2 uur verveeld gapen naar olie Prinsen onderscheidt reizen Massart zich van reizen Waes door een upgrade naar business. Of ze daarmee de juiste vooraan in de bus gezet hebben weet ik niet maar het zal ons worst wezen of liever champagne, Pomerol en gegrild lam :)

Het zou in schril contrast staan met wat we zouden beleven bij het opsnuiven van de sfeer tijdens onze taxirit. Laat contrast en snuiven daar de sleutelwoorden zijn. Van de walging van vervuilde rivieren of riolen tot de fascinatie van de kruiden markten. Enkele 100de near collisions later arriveren we aan de eerste stop YMCA.

De "kak-straat", don't ask :)

woensdag 23 oktober 2013

Entity framework 5; -Script for Migrate.exe

An Entity Framework 6 update is available here.

My current project supports an extensive continuous build system with distribution to a large number of end-users. To be able to track and control this process coordinators preferred SQL-scripts over the "new & wild" concept of migration classes enabling them to verify generated scripts and use their trusted proven infrastructure.
Unfortunately, unlike the package manager, the command line migration.exe doesn't support the -script option. Knowing it was possible from within Visual Studio I set off on a decompilation & exploration journey through power shell scripts and entity framework dll's.

Decompilation & Exploration overiewOnce everything was clear I built a console application directly talking to the scripting functionality in the EntityFramework.dll   You can download the source here. Do remember, all the code is provided as-is and without any warranty.

Special thanks to NDesk for the Options class, it works like a charm!

dinsdag 8 oktober 2013

Our passage to India

Verre, exotische en/of avontuurlijke reizen gaan vaak gepaard met vreemde valuta, reispassen en... visa. Attributen die me altijd een beetje een trots wereldburgergevoel geven, maar je moet ze dus wel in orde maken. Tijdens de middag dacht ik: snel effe surfen, papieren printen, fotootje plakken en klaar. Maar zo mogelijk nog sneller wordt mijn afgejaagd, met efficiëntie verwend westers persoontje herinnerd aan de nu niet direct meest admirabele Aziatische eigenschap: Overheidsbureaucratie.
Gelukkig linken hersenen herinneringen waardoor mijn fantasieloos vrijdagvoedsel al snel wordt overwalmd door de geur van verse oosterse kruiden en basmati. Intussen beeld ik me een strenge, in groen militair uniform gehulde Indiër in wiens 101 vragen ik beantwoord in de hoop hem te overtuigen dat noch ik noch mijn voorvaderen, huisdieren en of hun voorvaderen een druppel Pakistaans bloed en/of sympathie zouden hebben. Toegegeven niet iedereen heeft wijn drinkende kunstliefhebbers als buren en bij deze is mijn interesse in het Indisch Pakistaans conflict dus wel geboren. We reizen nu al om te leren. :) Bij afsluiten krijg ik mijn document, rijkelijk versierd met majestueuze stempels en symbolen die zijn authenticiteit en autoriteit kracht bij zetten.
Dank aan Bart, Fanny en Jally voor de 'hints' want zo'n vragenlijst invullen voelt ook altijd weer een beetje als een toets in het middelbaar :)

donderdag 18 april 2013

Explain IT to the business: Threading

Imagine your program to be a factory. And in that factory you got a team of leprechauns to get a job done. Well those leprechauns are threads. And as in real life, engaging more leprechauns will (probably) get the job done faster. Since threads and leprechauns don't require actual pay, business managers often ask; "Then why not simply add more leprechauns?". Well, when leprechauns team up they need someone to manage their business. And as the business manager knows this is often a complicated undertaking. So imagine the complexity of programming such a leprechaun manager. This is why most programs are sole proprietorships. All being said, investing in a leprechaun manager might be a wise choice (sure the business manager will agree) but do accept that one such manager can only lead so many leprechauns and that for a certain job only so many leprechauns can be engaged before they start running in each other's way.
Conclusion; threads are a lot like leprechauns, magical when balanced and managed properly.
Next up: Inversion of control

Explain IT to the business

As a software architect, and especially during periods of stress you might find yourself in a position where you have to explain a technical detail to an involved business party. They won't help you program but they might need to be reassured why we decided to invest time (and therefore money) in something they can't grasp. I often found this more difficult than previously imagined so I decided to share some explanations. First off is "Threading". If you're a business fellow and you're still riddled or an architect and you find something wrong or too far fetched please let me know, I'm sure we'll align business and IT after all :)

donderdag 7 maart 2013

Techdays 2013, The new oil is unprotected

When you dive into a dark theater on the first sunny day after a the darkest winter you've ever seen it better be good, and it was. First day schedules deep dives on ALM, security, SharePoint and Exchange. Not my favorites at first glance until I admitted I need the ALM testing cycle and I figured out there's only one way to learn security and that's how to break in. And which techy didn't dream of being the authority deifying hacker, breaking through NSA's security while being distracted by incredibly gorgeous women. I admit I did. But I never did see myself as an actual hacker. Somehow it all seemed too mathematical  unrealistic and complicated. And after seeing this morning sessions, I wish it was. I knew today's hackers were actually trained professionals, often military but I at least suspected it to be mathematical, unrealistic and complicated and I learned it's not.

Paula "never thrust a blond" Januszkiewicz, ruled on techdays 2013!
How do they do it? Well first they need to get their foot through the door. This often requires some "social engineering" which might feel like cheating to the hard core engineers but admit; how hard can it be to get a random secretary to open a perfectly honest, but urgent looking word or excel file. And rest assure, after this little mistake the floodgates are open. I won't get into details but they will. Enjoy I did.

On a final note, don't (always) blame the Chinese. Yes they are the guilty ones in many series and in the infamous Mandiant report. But many nations keep binary soldiers (Remember Stuxnet ?) and they should. Information is the new oil and as it seems, it's virtually unprotected.

woensdag 20 februari 2013

Entity framework 5 Migrations, Multiple migrations.

When you run the Update-Database command (Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName MyDbConfig) migrate.exe checks which migrations still need to be executed on the target database by comparing the migration scripts present to the subscriptions in the dbo._MigrationHistory table of the target database. By default all migrations are then applied. 

Take note that each of those migrations runs in it's own transaction. This could get you into trouble when you deploy a single release of your application with multiple migration files. If the last migration should fail, all previous migrations changes are kept, leaving your model and database unsynchronised. You can avoid this by removing all migrations and their corresponding entries in the dbo._MigrationHistory table and creating a big single migration for your application's release.

If you did get into trouble you can always rollback your application and revert to the corresponding migration. When reverting, the "Down" method implementation of the migration is used. This means that if you edited the "Up" as explained in Seed & Sql and forgot to implement the rollback in "Down" you might still be in trouble.

PM> Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName MyDbConfig -targetMigration "Version2"
Specify the '-Verbose' flag to view the SQL statements being applied to the target database.
Reverting migrations: [000000000000000_Version3].
Reverting code-based migration: 000000000000000_Version3.

zondag 17 februari 2013

Entity framework 5 Migrations,Seed & Sql

When executing Entity Framework 5 migrate the executable does several things;
  • Check current migrations vs the build
  • Execute all migrations that aren't already executed on the target database
  • Execute the seed method
This seed method is what we'll focus on. You can access the method by overriding the seed method of the DbMigrationsConfiguration of your project.

Code Snippet
  1. Protected Overrides Sub Seed(context As PocModel)        
  2.     MyBase.Seed(context)
  3. End Sub
Sorry for the vb.net

Seed will be executed regardless of the state of the target database.  This could be useful to run checks, log, send mails... Be careful however to use the seed method to alter the database (which is tempting considering you get the context model). Migrations and Seed each run in a different transaction. This means trouble if one of them fails and doesn't roll back the other. If you want to alter the database you should do so by adding code int the Up and Down method of the corresponding migration.

Code Snippet
  1. Imports System
  2. Imports System.Data.Entity.Migrations
  4. Namespace Schema
  5.     Partial Public Class Migration_42
  6.         Inherits DbMigration
  8.         Public Overrides Sub Up()
  9.             'Here
  10.             Sql("ALTER TABLE dbo.MeaningOfLife DROP COLUMN Famine")
  11.         End Sub
  13.         Public Overrides Sub Down()
  14.             'And here
  15.         End Sub
  16.     End Class
  17. End Namespace
Sorry for the vb.net

Take into account that executing sql like this is against the spirit of Entity Framework. All table alterations should be done by editing the domain and migrating the database. Unfortunately we don't always have the luxury to adhere to this philosophy. Sometimes legacy columns need to be addressed or we might really need that stored procedure. To accommodate this you'll find a helper class below which reads embedded sql files and splits them into single commands which you can then execute as shown above. Code is provided as-is without express or implied warranty of any kind.

Code Snippet
  1. Imports System.IO
  2. Imports System.Text
  3. Imports System.Data.Entity.Migrations
  5. Public Class SQLScriptHelper
  7.     Public Function GetCommandsFromEmbeddedFile(uri As String) As List(Of String)
  8.         Return ReadCommandsFromEmbeddedFile(uri)
  9.     End Function
  11.     Public Function ReadCommandsFromEmbeddedFile(uri As String) As List(Of String)
  12.         Dim commands = New List(Of String)
  13.         Dim command = New StringBuilder()
  14.         Dim line As String = "/****** Initial ******/"
  15.         Using stream As IO.Stream = Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("YourResourceNamespace." + uri)
  16.             Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(stream)
  17.                 While Not reader.EndOfStream
  18.                     line = reader.ReadLine()
  19.                     If line.Equals("GO") Then
  20.                         commands.Add(command.ToString())
  21.                         command.Clear()
  22.                     Else
  23.                         command.AppendLine(line)
  24.                     End If
  25.                 End While
  26.             End Using
  27.         End Using
  28.         Return commands
  29.     End Function
  31. End Class
Sorry for the vb.net

vrijdag 11 januari 2013

Entity framework 5 Migrations, Tips & Tricks

  1. The migrations itself are transactional (so when everything goes wrong, you get another shot).
  2. The migrations reinsert the data after the upgrade.
  3. When adding a required property to an existing entity a not-null column is added to the table. Existing records get a default value.
  4. When making an existing property required make sure all existing records  have a value for the soon to be not null column. If not the upgrade will result in an error.

woensdag 9 januari 2013

Using Entity framework 5’s migrate.exe

Entity framework 5 provides migrate.exe to migrate a database using an external process. When implementing this I encountered several rather unexpected problems which I’ll list up for you, hoping you don’t have to suffer the same frustration.
  1. When you used Nuget to integrate EF5 into your project you’ll find the Register.exe here {Project-root}/packages/EntityFramework.5.0.0/lib/net40/
  2. When using the net40 you’ll need to rename the configuration file to migrate.exe.config (.net 4.5 should make this step unnecessary)
  3. Now you’ll need to call register.exe on the .dll (or .exe) file containing your migrations .cs files. You can either copy the register.exe, config file and EntityFramework.dll to the target directory or you can use the /startUpDirectory parameter. Migrate.exe has a few options:
  • /startupConfigurationFile : I tried this approach first being sure of my configuration file. The attempt failed as EF5 failed to get the connection string resulting in the error below:
ERROR: An error occurred while getting provider information from the database. This can be caused by Entity Framework using an incorrect connection string. Check the inner exceptions for details and ensure that the connection string is correct.
  • /connectionString: So I tried adding the connection string but his resulted in a NullReferenceException.
  • /connectionProviderName: The NullReferenceException you can solve by adding the connectionProviderName
  • /verbose: Writes comments and exception messages to the screen, always usefull
Resulting in a call that looked like this:
Migrate.exe Target.dll /connectionString="Data Source=Server\SQLSERVERNAME; Initial Catalog=DbName; Persist Security Info=True; User ID=sa;Password=xxxx" /connectionProviderName:"System.Data.SqlClient" /verbose

Hope it helps,